Backup utility in linux

Yagisan ulist at
Sat Jul 9 17:53:32 UTC 2005

russell cook Wrote: 
> The following is my lspci output. 0000:00:0e.0 Unknown mass storage 

> controller: Integrated Technology Express, Inc. IT/ITE8212 Dual channel

> ATA RAID controller (PCI version seems to be IT8212, embedded seems
> (rev 11)


> So the kernel seems to recognise the controller. How do I install a 

> driver for it so I can use the hard disk attached?lspci recognises it, but the kernel does not have a driver for it (not
even in 2.6.12). I know because I have one. It is frustrating not being
able to use it. From memory I don't think CD or DVD drives will work
when attached to that interface either.


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