Is Ubuntu safe to try

Stephen R Laniel steve at
Wed Jul 6 13:41:59 UTC 2005

On Wed, Jul 06, 2005 at 06:05:10PM +0800, rpowersau at wrote:
> You are joking right? I spend a lot more time getting my mac to work than I do
> my linux box. And I've been using the mac since the 80's.
> And this is mac hardware with mac software.

That surprises me. OS 9 and before were, I think, pretty
awful; I never understood in the 80's and 90's why anyone
was holding up OS 9 as a model of usability. But OS X is a
definite winner.

Where do you have difficulty with OS X? I'm curious where
people find problems in it. We should avoid bringing those
to Linux. :-)

Stephen R. Laniel
steve at
+(617) 308-5571
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