Is Ubuntu safe to try

Senectus . senectus at
Wed Jul 6 04:57:30 UTC 2005

On 7/6/05, Stephen R Laniel <steve at> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 06, 2005 at 02:15:46PM +1000, Serg Belokamen wrote:
> > What a load of crap!
> I don't necessarily insist that people maintain 'nice
> vocabulary,' but you at least owe me the courtesy of being
> as respectful to me as I am to you. You don't escalate until
> I do, and I don't until you do, and everyone is better as a
> result, see?
Yeah fair call as is most the rest of the e-mail.
It's interesting that you say that about OSX and people not needing help.

I'm currently administering a site with almost totally WinXP
desktops.. but there are 3 Apple OSX G4 Laptops that get used.. Now
I HATE having to work on these.. they make me feel like I'm crippled
or something.. *shudder* but the users love them. Having said that,
they can't figure out on their own how to do almost anything on them..
and are constantly asking me to help... and even though I see the
users productivity dropping on these devices the users still LOVE
using them..

It's got me stumped why.. 

Ubuntu Hoary 5.04 
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