Still stuck with MOL...

atom ulist at
Fri Jan 21 15:08:03 UTC 2005

Eric Dunbar Wrote: 
> Luc Robitaille a relation of yours?
> Under Warty I had MOL running without any extra fiddling (except I
> didn't want to re-install OS X just to get OS X to boot... the OS 9
> installer CD would boot but I didn't want to futz around with my
> "real" OS).
> Under Hoary I haven't gotten MOL working. Of course, all I did was
> select it in Synaptic and got unresolved dependencies (didn't bother
> compiling anything). You should keep in mind that Hoary is a
> development OS which means that such things won't necessarily work.
> Eric.

mol depends on mol-modules which is not available in ubuntu. you will
need to compile the modules yourself from mol-modules-source or get
them elsewhere (see debian). either way, the ubuntu developers dont
care that it won't install since its in universe.


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