Users experience with MOL. (Was: Still stuck with MOL...)

David Miller justdave at
Sat Jan 22 09:13:17 UTC 2005

Daniel Robitaille wrote:
>>Under Warty I had MOL running without any extra fiddling (except I
>>didn't want to re-install OS X just to get OS X to boot... the OS 9
>>installer CD would boot but I didn't want to futz around with my
>>"real" OS).
> so you need to install OSX from within MOL to be able to use it, or it
> is possible to use OSX installed "by itself" in another partition on
> the machine?

It runs my OS X off the other partition just fine. :)  As long as you 
can get it running anyway.  I haven't been able to get the modules for 
it to compile since upgrading to kernel 2.6.10 though.  It appears to be 
an upstream problem (MOL itself from a source tarball won't run with 
that kernel) according to folks on the #mol IRC channel and the upstream 
maintainer has been MIA for a month or two. :(

But when I did have it running with OS X on the other partition, the 
only real oddity was that OS X would get confused over the existence or 
non-existence of the en2 network device that mol adds (occasionally 
tricking mol into thinking it didn't exist so you'd wind up with an en3 
as well).  Of course, sometimes I'd boot it under MOL, and sometimes 
directly boot into it.

Dave Miller                         
System Administrator, Mozilla Foundation
Project Leader, Bugzilla Bug Tracking System

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