open-office intrusiveness

Don W. Jenkins oakman at
Wed Jan 5 15:42:51 UTC 2005

can anyone tell me how to get Open Office NOT to attempt to open all Word 
documents I download by default in Ubuntu?  I use Crossover Office by 
Codeweaver with MS Office to run Word 2000 (works well), and when I 
attempt to download a Word document from my Yahoo briefcase to work on, 
Open Office grabs it and fouls up the download.  I don't know how to stop 
it.  I just want the document downloaded to my home directory as I was 
accustomed to.  I recall having a similar problem a while back when I 
installed Open Office in Windows--it made itself the default word document 
handler and would try to open all documents that downloaded.  This has to 
do with the system-wide installation of OO 1.1.2, as I have OO 1.1.4 
installed in my home directory, which I use and which is not intrusive.

Don J.

Don W. Jenkins, Registered Linux User 190728/Linux Machine 84430
Ubuntu4.10 Warty/Simply-Mepis2004/SuSE9.2 Pro/W2000Server
Rancho San Diego, An Unincorporation of the Mind
"People will let you do whatever you will." Max Farce,

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