Gimp crashes because of "umlaute" in the filename!?

Joerg Desch jd.vvd at
Fri Jan 14 11:49:25 UTC 2005

On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 14:19:00 +0000
Neil Woolford <neil at> wrote:

> I think I did have to tweak some filenames after making the change to
> UTF8, but I can't remember the details now.

I've removed UTF and switched back to latin-1.

> I'm certainly trying to standardise on UTF8, as
> it does appear to be the favoured system for future development.

Thats right, but there is to much stuff which isn't running.

> (Ich schreibe ziemlich oft auf Deutsch, und mein Bruder auf Franzoesich.
>  Dass heisst wir brauchen umlaute usw.)

Me too. ;-) The bad this (TM) is, that also tools like dekg-reconfigure
have some display tweaks.

> >The strange news: gimp is now working too. And I don't know why!
> Glad to hear it.  Though I always worry if things start working without
> me knowing why...

That's right. But I have no time to look for this in deep.

Email: Joerg Desch <jd DOT vvd AT web DOT de>

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