Miscellaneous problems (sound, DVD writer, USB mp3 player)

Joaquin Cuenca Abela e98cuenc at gmail.com
Thu Jan 13 21:03:37 UTC 2005

FWIW, I've just fixed the sound. RTFM
(http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=TroubleShooting) really

For the record, I had to mute several IEC958 channels with alsamixer
(I muted all of them, in fact).
It seems that these channels enable the S/PDIF output, and that
somewhat make the analog output unusable. It doesn't exactly pass the
grandmother test, but it's working now.

So if anybody has any clues of why a MAD DOG MD-16XDVD9 doesn't works
with Verbatim DVD-RW disks (that worked on a previous install), I will
be 100% happy :-)

Thank you for any help!


Joaquin Cuenca Abela

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