This Mailinglist

Martin Schmitz ubuntu at
Mon Jan 10 01:40:33 UTC 2005

Ed Fletcher schrieb:
> All the Redhat mailing lists set Reply-To list.

They do? Really? That's a big surprise to me. The Debian, NetBSD,
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and SuSE lists don't. Just like any of the other
software related lists I ever got. Mh.

But I found a perfeclty matching phrase on one of the apache websites:

| The appropriate contents of the Reply-To header is an age-old debate
| that should not be brought up on the mailing lists. You can examine
| opposing points of view condemning our convention and condoning it.
| Bringing this up for debate on a mailing list will add nothing new and
| is considered off-topic.


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