This Mailinglist
Ed Fletcher
ed at
Mon Jan 10 01:17:16 UTC 2005
Martin Schmitz wrote:
> CB schrieb:
>>Simon Ekstrand wrote:
>>>My only reply in this semi-religious thread.
>>You know, I've never even seen this discussed on a list where reply-to
>>was rewritten back to the list. The fact that it only comes up in this
>>list rather suggests to me that it's not 'religious' (ideologues tend to
>>like to hear their own voice on their beloved topic whereever
>>possible!), but just a matter of practical annoyance.
> This is really funny. I'm subscribed to a lot of mailing lists for
> years, mostly about technical things like using software or developing
> operating systems and such things, but also lists that announces parties
> in my town and other stuff like that.
> I have never ever seen a mailing list, where the list software adds or
> changes the Reply-To header! It would be a really, really stupid thing
> in my opinion. What if I want replays to an other address than the one
> I'm subscribed with? Besides all the other problems described in the
> document above. And nowhere other than here I have ever seen people
> asking for the Reply-To header to be set.
> The fact that *you* set Reply-To to the list on your decision is even
> much more stupid - and very *impolite* also! If I'd wanted to send you a
> private mail I would see my writing on the list surprisingly!
>>I gave the article a very quick read, so I might have missed something,
>>but it looks to me like the biggest mistake that the author is making is
>>to assume that default list-answering behaviour is to reply to
>>original poster as well as the list. I doubt if many people want this. I
>>certainly don't (as sender or recipient).
> Therefor most modern mailers offer a third reply function:
> reply-to-list. Either you have to configure once which folder holds
> which mailinglist or the mailer itself interprets headers like
> Mailinglist, Mailing-List, List-ID and so on. The result is that i can
> choose (The keybinding examples are taken from Gnus):
> r - reply to author - sends a reply only to the address of the
> original author of the message, either taken
> from 'From:' or - if present - from 'Reply-To:'.
> w - wide replay - as above, but also sends the replay to all
> addresses that appear in To: and CC:
> f - followup (to the - Sends the reply to the configured mailing list
> list), also known (or the one taken from the headers of the mail,
> as 'list-reply'. depends on your software).
> Even Squirrelmail(!) does have this ability (but - unfortunatly -
> mozilla doesn't - the only modern mailer I know which don't know about
> list-reply).
> Got the point? If I hit 'r' I want to send a personal, private email to
> *you*. Directing this to the mailing list (really surprinsingly in your
> case as it's not the default behaviour of this list!) is a really,
> really bad thing. Please don't do it anymore!
> Martin
All the Redhat mailing lists set Reply-To list.
Ed Fletcher
ed at
What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless,
whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism
or the holy name of liberty or democracy? - Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)
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