Ubuntu KDE

Norman Silverstone norman at littletank.org
Sat Jan 8 22:49:02 UTC 2005

> So yeh i admit strategy wise making a KDE-base Ubuntu is a great idea
> it will give Ubuntu the boost it deserves....
> -- 
> tiiim

Why? I am happy to go along with things as they are, learning to use the
various pieces of software available and looking forward to the next,
developed stage. If I am going to change other Windows users to Ubuntu
then it must be on the same basis on which I was persuaded to change.
Names, numbers, symbols mean very little to me. What matters is does it
work well, is it stable and can computer illiterates like me use it. If
Ubuntu is attractive to confirmed Linux users, even if they want to
modify and change it, so be it but what about the millions of people who
do not use Linux and, in all probability, have never heard of it. 

I'll stop here otherwise I may go on all night.


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