Ubuntu KDE
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Sat Jan 8 20:28:48 UTC 2005
Andreas Mueller Wrote:
> On Saturday 08 January 2005 19:03, tiiim wrote:
> > Quest-Master Wrote:
> > > IMO, if the Ubuntu users want KDE, just use another distro or
> install
> > > it from Universe. I'm sure an outrage would erupt if development
> time
> > > was split between Gnome and KDE.
> correctly, at the moment KDE or every other WM can be installed from
> universe
> KDE is much popluar, therefore also Kubuntu was created.
> http://www.ubuntu.com/wiki/Kubuntu
> "outrage would erupt" ? I guess you missunderstood something. Gnome is
> beeing
> developed by Gnome, KDE is developed by KDE.
> > i agree there are plent of excellent kde distro's out there. at the
> > moment the Ubuntu team is not big enough the handle both WM.
> > However you just download KDE from universe and have your own Ubuntu
> > KDE without effecting its Gnome side.
> That is the current situation. In the future however Kubuntu will be a
> Ubuntu
> Distro on KDE basis.
> > I also agree after years of KDE and then suddenly trying GNOME i now
> > know why people like GNOME.
> Your aspect is very reduced. You concerns about speed and stability.
> surely gnome has advantages, it has also disadvantages.
> XFCE and Blackbox are really nice fast WM. KDE has a wounderfull
> kioskframework. It is everyone its personal decision which WM he
> choose. I hope in feature there will be a huge amount of Ubuntu
> based distro's and hopefully with different WM.
> If someone is interested in another version, let's say a Unbuntu XFCE
> Desktop version, I will help also there.
> Cheers,
> amu
> --
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fair nuff they're great a kde-based one. I mean im not against KDE
cos' at end of day its about geting people on GNU/Linux that matters,
at the moment KDE is more windows like (whether good or bad thing up to
you to decide) and so if they want to create Kubuntu that up them and im
guess if either desktop dont delay development time that ok. I mean
maybe in the future i may install KDE as another WM but not at the
moment cos' i do like GNOME but if they sort some of the KDE issues and
make it slick that be good. I just PERSONALLY prefer GNOME like some
like KDE its about freedom and choice that the whole point of Linux.
ubuntu is a great distro and i guess if people want to experience the
power of a Debian distro with their fav deskop that fine. No doupt
these 2 will be 2 seperate cds and prob one day a dvd with both WM
on.... But this debate will never end. The fact is Linux is about
choice and freedom. And we shouldnt be fighting here, maybe Ubuntu will
carry on showing the Linux world how a distro is meant to be and in
development wise making a KDE version will win a lot of Linux users
over to a fab distro and also pull some Windows users in :) And maybe
hoping in the future that even Ubuntu will even rival against the "big
boys" of the Linux world.... so go for it guys and gals!
So yeh i admit strategy wise making a KDE-base Ubuntu is a great idea
it will give Ubuntu the boost it deserves....
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