Ubuntu KDE

Andreas Mueller amu at tr.debian.net
Sat Jan 8 20:04:29 UTC 2005

On Saturday 08 January 2005 19:03, tiiim wrote:

> Quest-Master Wrote:
> > IMO, if the Ubuntu users want KDE, just use another distro or install
> > it from Universe. I'm sure an outrage would erupt if development time
> > was split between Gnome and KDE.

correctly, at the moment KDE or every other WM can be installed from universe
KDE is much popluar, therefore also Kubuntu was created.


"outrage would erupt" ? I guess you missunderstood something. Gnome is beeing
developed by Gnome, KDE is developed by KDE.

> i agree there are plent of excellent kde distro's out there. at the
> moment the Ubuntu team is not big enough the handle both WM.
> However you just download KDE from universe and have your own Ubuntu
> KDE without effecting its Gnome side.

That is the current situation.  In the future however Kubuntu will be a Ubuntu 
Distro on KDE basis.
> I also agree after years of KDE and then suddenly trying GNOME i now
> know why people like GNOME.

Your aspect is very reduced. You concerns about speed and stability.
surely gnome has advantages, it has also disadvantages. 
XFCE and Blackbox are really nice fast WM. KDE has a wounderfull
kioskframework. It is everyone its personal decision which WM he
choose. I hope in feature there will be a huge amount of Ubuntu
based distro's and hopefully with different WM. 

If someone is interested in another version, let's say a Unbuntu XFCE 
Desktop version, I will help also there. 

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