Ubuntu's performance : how to speed up ?

Jan Morén jan.moren at lucs.lu.se
Tue Feb 15 14:52:36 UTC 2005

tis 2005-02-15 klockan 08:30 -0600 skrev Cybe R. Wizard:
> On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 12:09:44 +0100
> Vincent Trouilliez <vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr> wrote:
> > Yes, the first time I tried opening my Excel file with Openoffice, it
> > took litterral 10 minutes. It froze the entire machine, no tjust OO.
> > But I did not want to reboot the machine, so I decided to wait and
> > see. I waited 10 minutes, and have never used OO spreadsheet anymore
> > as a consequence. :-/
> > Why it takes 10 minutes with OO, and only 2 seconds with Excel, I
> > do'nt know. I just hope that what ever is wrong with OO, will be fixed
> > soon ! :-/
> In OO's 'tools' menu selection open 'options,' then 'memory,' and set
> 'Use for OpenOffice.org' to a higher number.  Mine is set to 64 MB and
> opens in about 5 seconds.
> I see now that you are opening Excel files, not just OO.  YMMV.

A tip for people working with spreadsheets is to try Gnumeric rather
than OOcalc. I find it to be a lot faster and nicer to work with.
Reportedly, the compatibility with Excel is better as well, though I
have little personal experience of that.

Trust the Computer. The Computer is your friend.
Tel. (Japan) 090-3622 8920            Dr. Jan Morén (mr)
                                      Dept. of Cognitive Science
http://lucs.lu.se/people/jan.moren    Lund, Sweden

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