Panel menus have disappered [Solved]

Keith Powell keith at
Mon Feb 14 15:04:23 UTC 2005

Keith Powell wrote:

> I have Warty upgraded to Hoary.
> This probably sounds ridiculous, but it has happened!
> I added the "Character  Palette"  to the top panel, opened it to have 
> a look at it, and the  Applications, Places, Computer, Web browser, 
> Evolution and Help icons all disappeared. I can't find a way of 
> getting them back, even after I have deleted the Character Palette 
> from the panel. The date/time, and upgrade icons are still there on 
> the right hand side.
> Have tried booting from the GDM into Default, Last Session, and Gnome. 
> But  it's still the same. I have also tried rebooting and switching 
> off and restarting.
> How on earth do I get the missing items back, please?   

Panic over!!

I have partly found the solution.

I added a  new "Menu Bar" to the panel and the missing Applications, 
Places and Computer  items were back. The Web browser and Help icons are 
still missing, so I will have to add those manually.

Strange the way they just disappeared. Ah well, that's computers for 
you!  :)



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