dictd and dictionary

martin yazdzik yazdzik at myway.com
Mon Feb 7 04:28:21 UTC 2005

Dear friends,

Ubuntu is in fact as easy as everyone says.  I have everything installed 
   but for a few apps and services.  Sincere  congratulations to the team.

One minor thing that I cannot seem to resolve is the accessories 
dictionary.  When I use dict WORD in the cli, I arrive at my local host 
collection of dictionaires, but putting localhost in the server window 
of the gui simply creates an error message that I am not connected to 
the internet.  In debian, I simply wrote in localhost, and the client 
seached the sundry(and many) dictionaries I have installed.  Also, it is 
obviously important since I write a lot to have dictd being at boot, as 
this is a laptop and is rebooted many times per diem.

Many thanks,


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