gmail anyone?

Antonie Kriek akriek at
Thu Feb 3 07:45:43 UTC 2005


All of the email companies do this. The only difference is that Google
tells you that they are doing this.

I have my personal email that I use for private stuff and then I have
me gmail account that I use for mailing lists and normal day to day

They can scan my email as much as they want - its a cool service and I
like not having to delete my mail.

They are also very good at filtering spam while hotmail sucks with spam!

GMail ROCKS!!!!!


On Thu, 3 Feb 2005 08:33:08 +0100 (CET), Brian Durant
<linuxnewbiedk at> wrote:
> BTW, there has been criticism in Denmark and other EU
> countries about the direct marketing mechanism that
> Google is talking about using. While nothing is set in
> stone at this time, A perusing of indiviual's e-mails
> is forbidden in a large number of countries, which in
> principle also makes it against the law to present
> individuals with individualized advertisements. While
> I salute the Google initiative, I would urge everyone
> that has a Gmail account to petition Google to find
> another advertising model/solution. The original text
> is in Danish below, if there is anyone on the list
> that is interedted
> "Der har været en del kritik af det kommende
> mail-system Google Gmail. Kritikken er fokuseret på
> gennemgåelse af forbrugerens e-mail, til brug af
> direkte markedsføring. Det er forbudt i en række lande
> at gennemgå personers e-mail, hvilket i princippet
> også gør det ulovligt af præsentere vedkommende for
> persontilpassede reklamer."
> Cheers,
> Brian
> --
> ubuntu-users mailing list
> ubuntu-users at

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