gmail anyone?

Brian Durant linuxnewbiedk at
Thu Feb 3 07:33:08 UTC 2005

BTW, there has been criticism in Denmark and other EU
countries about the direct marketing mechanism that
Google is talking about using. While nothing is set in
stone at this time, A perusing of indiviual's e-mails
is forbidden in a large number of countries, which in
principle also makes it against the law to present
individuals with individualized advertisements. While
I salute the Google initiative, I would urge everyone
that has a Gmail account to petition Google to find
another advertising model/solution. The original text
is in Danish below, if there is anyone on the list
that is interedted

"Der har været en del kritik af det kommende
mail-system Google Gmail. Kritikken er fokuseret på
gennemgåelse af forbrugerens e-mail, til brug af
direkte markedsføring. Det er forbudt i en række lande
at gennemgå personers e-mail, hvilket i princippet
også gør det ulovligt af præsentere vedkommende for
persontilpassede reklamer."



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