Zope problems

Derrick Hudson dman13 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 30 04:22:26 UTC 2005

On 12/24/05, Michael Richter <ttmrichter at gmail.com> wrote:
> Can anybody let me know what the trick is to get Zope running under Ubuntu?

To be honest, I haven't set up zope on ubuntu.  However, I have
sufficient experience with zope on debian, and I also know that the
packages are identical.

Later in the thread you post an error traceback from the
zope3-sandbox.  The problem with the readme file is that it is not
-just- a readme sitting there for you to ignore it.  It is registered
with the help subsystem so that zope can integrate it with the
software intself with context-sensitive help.  Clearly, however, the
sandbox package has a defect.

Since at least version 2.7 (maybe starting with 2.6) zope has included
a concept they call "instances" to separate the software from the
data.  When you install any of the zope{2.7,2.8,3} packages you are
only installing the software.  In order to use the software, you must
create an "instance".  Run the 'mkzopeinstance' script to create an
instance.  For example:

    $ /usr/lib/zope3/bin/mkzopeinstance

When doing this you will provide a directory to create the instance in
(for example /srv/zope/test1) and an administrator account.  For
zope3, this admin account data will be placed in
$INSTANCEHOME/etc/principals.zcml.  You can manually edit that file to
change the username or password or to eliminate that account.

Each zope instance that you create must be configured to listen on a
different port or you will have conflicts if you try to run more than
one at a time.  The port is configured in $INSTANCEHOME/etc/zope.conf.

In general, if you have server software and want to verify that it is
listening on the socket like you expect or to determine what socket(s)
it is listening on, use the 'netstat' command.  For example, as root
run 'netstat -anp | less'.  This would show you, if you didn't already
know, what port the zope process is listening on.

I hope this helps you get started with zope on ubuntu.  If you run
into further issues, post more details and we can try to work through

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