Zope problems

J.Markoll j.markoll at free.fr
Fri Dec 30 03:02:08 UTC 2005

Michael Richter a écrit :
> Don't get me wrong, Joyce: Ubuntu is the first (and thus far only) Linux
> distribution that's remained on my hard drive for longer than a week.
> Indeed it has, since Hoary, been installed (albeit not often used) and not
> removed.  Even with this latest batch of ugliness, it's unlikely that Ubuntu
> will get removed.  It will just be sidelined for some projects as the tools
> just aren't quite there yet.
> With Breezy, a few things finally came up that could make Ubuntu useful to
> me.  (My computer-illiterate wife needs a computer that can work reliably
> and easily in Chinese while I need one that works reliably and easily in
> English.  It's astonishingly difficult to find a Linux setup in which this
> works.)  As a result I've started using it more and, naturally, moved a lot
> of my work over to Breezy -- only to find a few... warts.  Having Zope fail
> out of the box was a real shocker considering how easily it worked under
> Windows.  Getting Zope 2.8 working, however, has moved things along.
> Here's hoping that by this time next year there won't be any Windows space
> on my computer except for a smallish partition used to play some games.
I just wanted to point out as well for you as for the people reading on 
this list from all over the world, that such a young distribution can 
present a few defects, and still not deserve to be put down. You can 
notice we still have a very very good product, can learn from it at same 
time we use, and helps greatly the migration.
I started under another distro and got many difficulties when I started 
to wish to install newer applications, because of the dependancies (I 
kept it three months and a geek had pity on me and helped me install 
Debian testing, that I kept again a few months). Now I run multiboot 
with three OS'es, and learn more and more, little by little.
Let's also remember computing itself is a very young topic: less than 
100 years old yet.
Best greetings, J.Markoll.

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