Ubuntu 5.10 minumum requirements

cogyfarm cogyfarm at grm.net
Wed Dec 28 02:42:02 UTC 2005

Felix Miata wrote:

>Tom Hines wrote:
>>Hello.  I tried to liberate my sister from Windows last weekend.  She
>>has an Intel Celeron 500 mhz, 128 mb ram.  To see if she had enough
>>horsepower, I tried to boot Ubuntu 5.10 Live CD., but it failed.  It
>>just took forever and I finally gave up.  I concluded that she didn't
>>have enough memory.
>>The 5.10 release notes say that 128 mb is enough.  Is that true?  Does
>>Live CD require more than that?  I'm reluctant to install it until I
>>see Live CD running on it.  Is anybody running 5.10 with 128 mb ram?
>Any live CD will run better in limited RAM if you can supply it with a
>native HD swap partition to use. Try a Knoppix CD. If it works, you
>should be able to run [K]Ubuntu. You can use the Knoppix CD to shrink
>the doze partition to make some Linux swap space.
>What's less true is the minimum HD space requirement. Trying to fit any
>modern Linux on less than about 4GB is simply a bad idea, even if you
>ultimately succeed.
I would suggest you take a serious look at Engarde before you say a 
modern linux can't/shouldn't run in a 4GB space!  Its simply erroneous!

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