Things I already hate about Kubuntu (new user)

Eamonn Sullivan eamonn.sullivan at
Thu Dec 22 10:15:23 UTC 2005

On 22/12/05, Mike Bird <mgb-ubuntu at> wrote:
> The people on this list disagree as to whether a system is more
> or less secure when sudo is used for everything.  I think we can
> all agree it's less convenient.

I'm *so* sick of this conversation, but I keep seeing statements like
this, so I must be missing something. I want to understand the other
side, so can someone with more expertise please enlighten me on the
difference between:

sudo -i



As far as I know, the end result is *exactly* the same. You *are*
root, in a root's environment, etc. Can someone tell me what is *so*
inconvenient about this, other than five more characters to type? Is
there any difference between the two?

Thoroughly baffled,


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