Things I already hate about Kubuntu (new user)

Mike Bird mgb-ubuntu at
Thu Dec 22 07:22:35 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-12-20 at 04:01, Sasha Tsykin wrote:
> Firstly, the installation does not ask for a root passwrod because 
> Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and every other Ubunutu derivative has no root account.

Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and every other Ubuntu derivative has a root account.
Depending upon how you install, they may or may not have a password.

> You complete root functions by prefacing commands with sudo. The type in 
> your own password when it is requested.

Ubuntu can be installed in expert mode or regular mode.  We recommend
that you use expert mode as Ubuntu then behaves as new users expect.
In particular, you don't need to worry about additional security
issues in sudo.  If you install in regular mode, you'll have to
get used to using sudo, or reinstall, or use sudo to set a password
for root.

> The point of this is to avoid the need for a root account, which 
> damages security.

All Unix systems, including all versions of Ubuntu, have a root
account.  A root account does not damage security.

The people on this list disagree as to whether a system is more
or less secure when sudo is used for everything.  I think we can
all agree it's less convenient.

I would ask anyone who'd like to use this opportunity to start
a new rant about sudo to first read and memorize all previous
emails on this list.

--Mike Bird

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