Voting for packages, was: Ubuntu is under attack

Asif Lodhi asif.lodhi at
Mon Dec 19 21:31:01 UTC 2005

Hi Derek,

Derek Broughton <news at> wrote:

> Message: 8
> Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2005 09:43:17 -0400
> From: Derek Broughton <news at>
> Subject: Re: Voting for packages, was: Ubuntu is under attack

>> I would like good apps Scribus, Inkscape, Sodipodi, Blender, Nvu,
>> educational packages, Fluxbox, etc. on the installation CD so that
>> everything that a common home user likes to play  with gets installed
>> by default when one installs Ubuntu.
> You _must_ be joking.  I haven't used _any_ of those.  I installed Scribus
> last week and _might_ use it - it looks like it could be useful.

>> A nicer GUI such as FluxBox would be a compelling reason for
>> them to convert to Ubuntu.
> You might like it, but it's not what the "common home user" is looking for.
Agreed. A common home user might want something different. However, most 
of my friends & cousins like Windows XP and they say it's graphical 
features (the GUI) is better than Fedora & Ubuntu. IMNSHO, they will 
begin to like Linux better once they have seen environments such as 
FluxBox and they get to use the packages I mentioned in my post. They 
are sick and tired of Windows viruses and re-installing it again and 
again so many times. As to the software apps I mentioned earlier, I 
would highly suggest that you take a look at those apps. Specifically, 
GIMP+Inkscape+Scribus is a very good combination if you want to publish 
some nice docs, cards, brochures, etc. IMHO, Blender is one of the most 
recognized 3D modelling app in Linix world. Similarly, if you can make a 
sketch manually by your hand then SodiPodi's pencil tool is one of the 
best tool I have ever seen - even Illustrator, Flash, Freehand, etc. are 
not _that_ good! Nvu is not as mature as something like 
DreamWeaverMX2004 but you can use it effectively if your HTML knowledge 
is good enough. I mentioned graphics-related packages because most 
teenagers like to play with them even if they don't have very good 
knowledge of these apps. I would highly suggest that you please do visit 
the following websites:


and read the features as well as the reviews. -- Best regards, Asif

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