VMWare Player in Multiverse?

Luca Manganelli luca76 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 16 06:50:06 UTC 2005

On 12/16/05, Mehdi Hassanpour <mehdi.public at gmail.com> wrote:
> Can you please tell me which version of VMWare you are using that has good
> speed and you have tested that on Breezy...
> I need a testing area, Qemu is very slow and I cannot work with that and
> I've heared VMWare is not a free software and we should register that to
> use... do you know any free other free solution ?

You are talking of VMWare Workstation, NOT VMWare Player who is free.
There's a guide in Ubuntuforums -> Customization Tip/Tips.

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