How do you know what app is available from where, and by what name?

Mauricio Hernandez Z. mhz.chile at
Tue Dec 13 15:16:10 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-12-13 at 08:42 -0600, Wade Smart wrote:
> 12132005 0837 GMT-5
> Im still not clear on some things with Linux.
> Lets start with this: I like to use Opera sometimes instead of Firefox 
> so, I want to download it. But since its not in Synaptic, I do sudo 
> apt-get install opera. I receive a message saying its not available by 
> that name.
> How do you know know what the application you want is named as? Is it 
> named as opera and the version number? Or some other scheme?
> How do you learn about that?


I usually use command line instead of synaptic but it works either way.

To make sure ATP (synaptic, too) is getting the info you need, you first
need to edit /etc/apt/source.list  file. I comment the line regarding to
CDrom and uncomment the universe lines and create a set of multiverse
lines (just copy paste the universe lines and replace the word for

After that,

$ apt-get update

$ apt-cache search opera     -> will present you with similar/related

$ apt-cache show opera     -> This shows info specific to 'opera'.
'opera' = the package shown by by the previous command, of course.

$ apt-get install opera   -> of course, 'opera'= the package or packages
you want to install

Anyways, once your edited /etc/apt/source.list is saved, Synaptic should
provide same info that APT.

Mauricio Hernandez Z.

Edubuntu Chile | #edubuntu #edubuntu-es

[I dream of things that never were and say 'Why Not?']
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