id:3:initdefault: in /etc/inittab doesn't do it?????

James Gray james at
Mon Dec 12 02:13:36 UTC 2005

On Mon, 12 Dec 2005 12:58, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> id:3:initdefault: in /etc/inittab doesn't do it?????
> So how do I get rid of the gui login screen?
> I don't like any gui to come up until and unless I type startx at a user
> prompt...

If you use kdm:
sudo update-rc.d -f kdm remove

Replace "kdm" with either "gdm" or "xdm" if you use a different login 


Acabei de completar um curso de alemão e já consigo ler sem óculos.
                -- Millôr Fernandes
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