syncing my pocket pc with evolution via multisync/opensync/synce

Luis Murillo luiscm at
Tue Dec 6 15:57:37 UTC 2005

Hash: SHA1

I've tried getting my Pocket PC, Dell Axim X30 high, to sync with my
Linux box without any success. I haven't tried installing the packages
in Ubuntu and trying here, will have to see about that :)

Now regarding your questions, well actually I can only "answer" the
first one. This is a known problem in the synce plugin since it doesn't
provide any time zone data to Evolution (taken out of the synce site), I
believe there is no workaround this problem, I might be wrong though.
As for the other two questions, for the second one I have not heard
anything about it, I might have heard something about the third question
but can't remember much at this moment.

Jeff Co wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using multisync (with its friends opensync and synce, I think) to
> sync my pocketPC to my UbuntuLinux computer with Evolution 2.4.1.
> 1. Why is the Appointment-Time wrong? For example, on my PDA, I
> entered an appointment for 1:30pm-2:30pm on December 13, Tuesday. But
> on Evolution, it shows up as 10:30pm-11:30pm on the same day. The
> strange thing is: when I double-click on the appointment in Evolution,
> in the "appointment tab" 's "date and time" section, the time is
> correct (1:30pm -- 2:30 pm), but the time zone is wrong. The time zone
> is at UTC.
> I'm currently in Japan. My PDA is set to Japan time. My Ubuntu linux
> pc is set to Japan Time, and Evolution is set to Japan Time. Why are
> all appointments saved as UTC time zone? Do I have to manually switch
> each appointment from UTC to my Japan Time Zone?
> 2. My contacts in PDAs have a section called "Notes". This is the
> place to enter stuff that don't fit in the fill-in-the blank forms
> (e.g. Email address, mobile phone number). I make use of the Notes
> section to enter information that :I have for that contact. But it
> doesn't sync to evolution. What can be done about this?
> 3. I have synced my tasks from pocket pc pda to ubuntulinux evolution.
> On Evo, I have purged the finished tasks. When I click either Sync or
> Re-Sync in Multiysync, the finished tasks are not erased from my pda.
> I can add tasks into Evo and have it synced to my PDA, and I can add
> tasks in my PDA and have it synced to my PC's Evo, but why my pocket
> pc recognize that the purged tasks are gone in the Evo2, and thus
> remove these completed tasks from itself?
> --------------------
> Pocket PC: (HP Jornada 540 Series, SHx SH3 Processor. MS Windows CE
> Version 3.0.9348 (Build 9357) (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corp).
> Multisync 0.82
> Evolution 2.4.1
> UBuntu Linux 5.10 Breezy Badger with Gnome

- --
Luis Murillo
lmurillo at
Cel: (506) 351-5230
Heredia, Costa Rica

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