Mutt + GNOME Terminal = occasional display garbling

Shot - Piotr Szotkowski shot at
Sat Dec 3 15:39:27 UTC 2005


The recent David Hart's thread suggested there are some
Mutt[1] users on the list, so let's give my pet peeve a shot:

Mutt, when run inside UTF-8-locale GNOME Terminal and displaying emails
with wrongly (or un-) declared character encodings, makes the GNOME
Terminal display the whole Mutt interface wrongly. I'm not sure I can
describe it if you haven't seen it yourselves, but the final effect
is that unless I refresh the display (with ctrl-l) often and navigate
a bit blindly, I can't read, say, ubuntu-users when, for example,
there's Revant Nandgaonkar's email in the index list.

For example, when I go to my spam folder (full of badly encoded Korean
spam), I have to use uxterm - otherwise I'd have to navigate the folder
blindly. Given that uxterm works properly, my guess is that's a problem
with GNOME Terminal not coping with malformed UTF-8.

Any solutions to this, or at least can
anybody confirm I'm not seeing things?

[1] Is it Mutt or mutt? Even isn't consistent on this...

-- Shot
                 Never let your sense of morals get in the way
                 of doing what's right.        -- Isaac Asimov
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