nVidia with stock kernel crashes when leaving X

Anders Karlsson trudheim at gmail.com
Sat Dec 3 20:46:08 UTC 2005

Okay, I'll shut up after this post (as ppl probably are sick of me by now).

I have complained about system freezes that has been un-debuggable. I
have today *finally* managed to compile 2.6.15-rc4 (with KDB 4.4)
using gcc 3.4 rather than gcc 4.0 (Breezy defaults to gcc 4.0) and the
system has so far not crashed using this new kernel.

I have been thinking about this a lot, and if Breezy compiles its
2.6.12 kernel with gcc 4.0 it would explain _a_ _lot_ of the problems
I have had - albeit that it may only manifest itself on k7 arch and
VIA chipsets. A laptop I have works fine with a i686 kernel and the
same install.

All you that have nVidia cards, VIA chipsets and AMD k7 arch, try a
gcc-3.4 compiled kernel and you may be able to escape "hard lock

Just based on my observations and struggles getting my server back to
fully operational (hard lock after 15 seconds of kernel compile is not
fully functional).

Anders Karlsson <trudheim at gmail.com>

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