OT- Games, gamers, and gaming machines

Cybe R. Wizard cyber_wizard at mindspring.com
Thu Dec 1 19:41:10 UTC 2005

On Thu, 1 Dec 2005 14:22:40 -0500
"Timothy A. Holmes" <tholmes at mcaschool.net> wrote:

> [Timothy A. Holmes] 
> Its very simple -- Money -- I have a 1,000 dollar computer with a high
> resolution screen sitting on my desk, why would I want to spend
> another
> 450 on an Xbox 360 and attach it to a low resolution screen like my tv
> when I can play the same game with the same controller on the device I
> already have

Very true and as matt pointed out, upgradability.

Cybe R. Wizard
Q: What's the difference between MicroSoft Windows and a virus? 
A: Apart from the fact that viruses are supported by their authors, 
use optimized, small code and usually perform well, none.

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