Dial up transfer rates
squareyes at optusnet.com.au
Sat Aug 27 22:16:42 UTC 2005
postmast3r wrote:
>On 8/25/05, squareyes <squareyes at optusnet.com.au> wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>in the mornings Gkrellm shows my dial up transfer rates to remain
>>reasonably constant
>>between 3.5/kbs and 5.0/kbs. In the evening after 7.00pm the rate spikes
>>(for want of a better term)
>>very severely from 5 down to 0/kbs, and remains on 0 up to 30secs. or
>>more. My Isp says this can't happen
>>I can live with a slower speed if it remains constant, but have been
>>losing downloads when it drops back to 0.
>>A screenshot of Gkrellm here
>During the time that you have slow speeds, when you disconnect from
>your ISP and pick up a regular phone that uses the same line, do you
>hear static or any kind of interference or even another active
>conversation or a radio station or something on the phone line when
>calling another person on that line? If so, then the problem might
>not be your machine or your ISP and may just be something going on
>with your phone line that you'll need to contact your phone company
Hi postmast3r,
thanks, the problem is that my ISP and my phone provider are one and the
The infrastructure here is all owned by the one company (Telstra which
is ½ owned by the State
and half privatised) all other phone companies and ISP's are onselling
from Telstra. This happens every night, and they
find all the excuses, one is the operating system I'm using, and the
main one is that it's a Telstra
equipment problem, and can't (or won't) do anything about I will try
your suggestion and check for noise on the line.
Maybe the best solution is to change ISP's.
Thanks again, appreciated
Take Care
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