Verizon DSL

Alex Mandel tech_dev at
Sat Aug 13 19:22:50 UTC 2005

Rajiv Vyas wrote:
> On 8/13/05, Sean Sieger <sean.sieger at> wrote:
>>Rajiv Vyas <rajiv1 at> writes:
> Just one question: how dangerous is static vs dynamic? What am I
> scarifying or risking?

You're not really any less secure, it just means you need to give IP 
addresses to any visiting computers because the router won't assign them 
automatically. As long as the router firewall doesn't have any bypass 
rules you're fine.

My network is a mix, the static machines benefit from me being able to 
pass certain ports to specific machines(servers) where all of the 
Laptops and pda s can just get on whenever they want, especially when I 
have friends over.


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