Creating packages of python

Magnus Therning magnus at
Thu Aug 11 20:52:17 UTC 2005

On Thu, Aug 11, 2005 at 08:07:44AM -0400, Eric S. Johansson wrote:
>Magnus Therning wrote:
>>I have packaged a few pure python programs, feel free to take a look at
>interesting.  I'm interested in packaging a Python program as well.

Well, enjoy ;-)

>>How is the package built? distutils or a plain makefile?
>neither.  Since it is a standalone application, it is not appropriate
>to use distutils.  I use a shell script to install and do initial

Why isn't distutils appropriate? I've packaged applications using it,
it's even quite easy...

The drawback using a shell script is that it doesn't offer much
flexibility to the person installing. If you do provide flexibility in a
shell script then it quickly becomes big and complicated and you'd be
better off using distutils (or auto-tools).

>Makefiles aren't appropriate because all they would do would be to take
>a shell script and reduce it to something incomprehensible.

Makefiles don't have to be incomprehensible. They easily get that way,
but they don't have to be.

I'd love to take a look at the shell script... can I download your
software somewhere?

>>CDBS is by far the most simple way of packaging, but it is generally a
>>good idea to first package something using dh_* the first time out, just
>>to gain some understanding of what is going on.
>what you say is true if you buy into the autoconfig world.  However, it
>would be nice if they were support for those of us that prefer
>different build solutions.  Maybe there is and I just don't know it.
>It would be nice to find out I was wrong.

I suppose you are saying that CDBS makes autoconfiscated programs easy
to install, since then you'd be correct :-)


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus at

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