USB key on IBM Thinkpad

Magnus Therning magnus at
Wed Aug 10 07:03:58 UTC 2005

Just a wild shot ;-)

You have two host controllers loaded. IIRC I had a problem with that as
well, and my USB sticks didn't show up. Remove one and see if it
improves things.

This is how I did it:

 ---- /etc/hotplug/blacklist.d/local ----
  # uhci_hcd is the host of choice


On Tue, Aug 09, 2005 at 05:50:50PM -0500, Barry Tice wrote:
>I installed Ubuntu for the first time this morning, from an iso downloaded
>last night. It went on (wiped) an IBM Thinkpad 390E that previously had
>Fedora Core 1 on it.
>With FC1, I was able to access a USB key drive. I have not been able to do
>so under Ubuntu. Any information about why this would be the case would be
>most appreciated.
>I went into the #ubuntu IRC channel, where someone who was trying to help
>requestedthe  information returned  from dmesg, lshal, lspci, lsusb and
>lsmod commands. They can be found in the pastebins at:
>lsusb: (No information returned)
>After reviewing my data, the conversation ended as such:
>Other Person: is the usb key plugged in now?
>Me: Yes, it is.
>Other Person: odd enough, the key isn't even seen on the hardware level.
>Probably because the drivers of your USB controller are not recognized. What
>have you tried so far to make it recognize this controller?
>Me: I've tried posting here ;-) I'm no Linux expert by a long shot, so I'm
>not real sure where to begin. There was no Mounting tool available from the
>System directory as there was from Fedora Core 1, so I didn't know I even
>had a problem at this level until now.
>Other Person: normally, if all goes right, usb keys are automagically
>mounted. I'm searching for a solution to the driver problem
>Other Person: what is the brand/type of your laptop?
>Me: IBM Thinkpad 390E.
>Other Person: it's getting weirder by the minute - the driver is loaded!
>Me: At least I'm making it interesting...
>Other Person: this is over my head, please subscribe to
>ubuntu-users at and post your question there, please include
>the links (and descriptions) to the pastebin posts. I'm sorry that I can't
>help you any further
>So here I am.
>Thanks for any assistance you may be able to provide in figuring out how to
>fix this!
>-- Barry Tice
>ubuntu-users mailing list
>ubuntu-users at

Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus at

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