macromedia shockwave and flash plugins

Lee Braiden lee_b at
Mon Aug 8 19:00:44 UTC 2005

On Monday 08 August 2005 14:35, Larry Grover wrote:
> There are a couple of packages you can try installing:
> libflash-mozplugin, swf-player.  I've tried them but found they don't
> work very well.  They're not compatible with most of the flash that's
> on the web, and they tend to crash mozilla/firefox.

There is also the option to use qemu (to emulate an x86 Linux system) along 
with the x86 linux flash player binary.

Personally I just avoid flash sites though; they bug me on a technical level 
(since websites shouldn't depend on proprietary, non-html technology), and 
offend me on an ethical level (since they discriminate against blind users 
and ppc linux users etc.).  I figure it's best to just boycott any site that 
uses flash :)

Lee Braiden

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