no sound when playing WMV files

Dex ulist at
Sun Apr 24 02:12:37 UTC 2005

Ziyad, thanks for the solution that finally worked - simply no root
gedit of the file - thanks.

Obviously, I had all files installed necessary to do it (thanks to this

My problem was similar to the first post in our thread, where I could
see the video - but no sound. 

What baffles me is often in linux one HAS to be root to monkey around
with various files; besides, one reply suggested sudo (which tells me
it's root or superuser, doesn't it?). So I a bit confused about not
being root to edit files - didn't know if it was even possible unless
you're root. Oh well, it's a huge learning curve, and nice thing is
there are so many folks like yourself coming to the rescue. And where
would we the noobs  be without your expertise and help - so, much
appreciate your help. Open to guidance, as linux is a strange duck
after windoze... I used knoppix in the past, and what a wonderful idea
about their klik software - makes everything so easy. But ubuntu was
the only distro I could install on my somewhat older hp laptop. I'm
sold - love ubuntu! \\:D/


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