root privileges (was: Re: no sound when playing WMV files)

ZIYAD A. M. AL-BATLY zamb at
Sun Apr 24 18:59:40 UTC 2005

On Sat, 2005-04-23 at 22:12 -0400, Dex wrote:
> ...
> What baffles me is often in linux one HAS to be root to monkey around
> with various files; ...
Not quiet true.  You only need to be root (or have root privileges) to
edit files not owned by you (most notably: system configuration files
found in /etc).  In general, you have *full* access to *all* the files
in your home directory but *nothing* else! (will, there is the exception
of the temporary files created by the applications on your behalf in

> ...besides, one reply suggested sudo (which tells me it's root or
> superuser, doesn't it?).
"sudo" will give you super-user (also known as: root) privileges. That's
all.  (root privileges are *unlimited*, so be careful when using "sudo"
and "su".)

> So I a bit confused about notbeing root to edit files - didn't know if
> it was even possible unless you're root.
Again, see above.  When editing your own files you don't need root

> Oh well, it's a huge learning curve, ...
I couldn't agree more.  But, hey, we all been there!

> ...and nice thing is there are so many folks like yourself coming to
> the rescue.
Glad to be of some sort of help to someone.

> And where would we the noobs  be without your expertise and help - so,
> much appreciate your help.
Again, you're welcome.

> Open to guidance, as linux is a strange duck after windoze...
Again, couldn't agree more.  However, (and some might not be believe
me), I found Linux to be more logical and easier to learn once you
understand the basics!

> I used knoppix in the past, and what a wonderful idea about their klik
> software - makes everything so easy.
No idea, as I never used Knoppix before.

> But ubuntu was the only distro I could install on my somewhat older hp
> laptop. I'm sold - love ubuntu!
>  \\:D/
And, for the third time, I couldn't agree more.

> -- 
> Dex


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