Any "Compellng" reason to upgrade?

Toby Kelsey toby_kelsey at
Thu Apr 21 09:49:29 UTC 2005

Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> Yes, the FAQ should be available on the CD, but also on the web.
> The documentation team prepared a FAQ which would be installed with Ubuntu,
> but they chose not to include it in the release at this time.
> I don't think this would make a difference anyway; users do not generally
> read the FAQ before claiming (e.g.) that gcc is "missing".
 >On Thu, Apr 21, 2005 at 03:01:25AM -0400, smarttaz wrote:
>>After working in IT for 11 years now, and in 7 companies, I can tell you
>>that 90% of the project management problems are communication problems.
> That much is obvious, but do you have a suggestion as to how the situation
> could be improved?

Newbies are not interested in the detailed working of the system and are going to
complain as soon as they can't find what they are looking for within 5 seconds.
The solution is to make finding the answer to their problem so simple and trivial
that it is quicker than sending a complaining email.

One way of doing this is with a help system which:

- is accessible via a prominent menu item or icon
- has a 'common problems' section
- has 'howto' sections for common tasks
- gives easy access to longer guides or FAQs
- allows 'apropos' and keyword search of documents

so any relevant documentation can be found within a few clicks.

Most of the components for this are around; its a matter of combining them.


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