wich is better ubuntu or fedora.

Thomas Kaiser thomas at kaiser.linux-site.net
Wed Apr 20 21:24:31 UTC 2005

Anders Karlsson wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-04-20 at 15:44 -0500, george rogers wrote:
>>i dont know what do you think
> I'll assume that this is a genuine question and not a poor attempt at
> starting a flamewar.
> From my perspective, being in my early thirties and having tinkered with
> computers for the last twenty years, Ubuntu has a lot going for it.
> However, depending on what you want to achieve, Feodora could be a
> better choice.
> If I may speak with my business head screwed on for a moment, find out
> what your requirements are - i.e. make a list of what you absolutely
> must have, what would be nice-to-haves etc. Once done, go over the list
> again and be very critical on yourself to narrow down the really
> important must-haves. Once you have a requirement list, start looking at
> what OS would be most suited for your needs.
> To be perfectly honest, you may find that the best choice of OS for what
> you need is not even a Linux variant. Mac OS-X could be what you need,
> or (boo hiss) Windows XP. It is seldom obvious from the word go what you
> need. Often people start with what OS to use, and try and fit their
> requirements around that, which is about the worst mistake to make.
> To just focus on the "no requirements needed, just compare the two"
> question you originally asked, you would be comparing apples and
> oranges. You would be making a fairer comparison pitting Ubuntu against
> Mandrake, or Feodora against Suse Professional. I can only speak for
> myself in doing any comparison and Ubuntu is the nicest linux
> distribution I have used to days date.
> Regards,

Your absolutlliy right. The people out there have just to make a list 
what they need (not what they have) and decide with this list for an OS.

Regards, Thomas

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