wich is better ubuntu or fedora.

Mat10 ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Wed Apr 20 21:15:05 UTC 2005

I just installed Ubuntu last night and dropped Core 3.  I want to see as
many distros and I can and then make a decision which I will use for a
while.  As every version of Linux in the past the answer is "It's the
hardware man the hardware".

I really like the looks of Ubuntu more so than Core 3, just seems a
little softer and nicer to the eyes.  Still there are the driver issues
with respect to wireless.  No different than any other distro out there,
except with one great exception.  I don't know what's under the hood of
Ubuntu when it comes to internal stack sizes and the inner workings.  I
can tell you that Fedora Core 3 has a 4K stack size default. Now this is
probably not a problem to people with the right hardware for wireless,
however if you plan on using the ndiswrapper and XP drivers , then you
are up a creek since they all require at least 8 to 12K stack size to
work !  Now this alone is worth a consideration for favoring Ubuntu
over Fedora, but only if you don't know how to compile the 16K kernel
source available for Fedora.  As a noob I think I would go with what
works with the least extra work.   Me I am waiting for a good
instruction to compile kernels to use with nidis.  I may just opt to
buy a long cable and hardwire from my router to Ubuntu.  Either way I
think I will keep using it for a while and try and get some enjoyment
from all of it.



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