
Keith Powell keith at keithg4jvx.force9.co.uk
Sat Apr 9 08:08:57 UTC 2005

I don't know if this list is for KUbuntu, but I can't find a dedicated
one. So I will risk a question here!

Tried KUbuntu and it looks good. However, the one thing I definitely
don't like about it, is the *very* large animated tooltips which appear
when I select a panel button. I think they spoil the desktop, as well as
getting in the way and slowing things down.

Is there any way of getting rid of them? I have used KDE so much in the
past that I know exactly what each panel button is. I have disabled all
the tooltips I can find but still they are there!

I do like Hoary and Gnome. In my opinion, Gnome has improved
considerably in the last two versions.

Many thanks


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