No Sound using xawtv and/or tvtime

Seth M. sepheebear at
Fri Apr 1 01:04:41 UTC 2005

Speak of the devil. I just fixed a similar problem on my box. Futzed
around with all sort of alsa mixer settings and checked all the modules
and stuff, when it turns out the problem was with one checkbox in my
case. Right-click the volume mixer applet in Gnome, open up Volume
Control and go to the Switches tab for the main audio device. If
"Line-In As Surround" is checked, uncheck it and make sure that Line-In
isnt muted. Also be sure that the sound output from the tuner is
connected to the Line-In jack. I dont know how it was enabled but
apparently it was for me. Unchecked the box and Im back in business
after a month of ignoring it and hoping it would fix itself.


Seth M
To anyone who might send something critical to me, this is my response:
"I am sitting here in the smallest room in my house with your letter of
criticism before me. Soon it will be behind me."
        - H.L. Mencken

On Fri, 2005-04-01 at 01:55 +0200, Rainer Gutkas wrote:

> But I gut a problem with the tv card. I tried to insall tvtime, I get 
> video (that's much more with this app than I got with sarge) but I get 
> no sound. Xawtv the same thing (So this app worked under Sarge, but the 
> video output from ubuntu is better) no sound.
> I tried to disable esound, no change, didn't work. tvtime says it can't 
> open /dev/mixer. xawtv doesn't complain at all, they just do no sound.

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