Matt Zimmerman mdz at canonical.com
Sun Sep 26 22:01:09 UTC 2004

On Sun, Sep 26, 2004 at 11:46:45PM +0200, Paco Ros wrote:

> Does anybody know if current problems with GRUB + XFS are going to be 
> solved soon?

If there is any news, you will find it here:


You can add yourself to the CC list on that bug to receive updates when they
become available.

Meanwhile, if you need a working installation, I recommend using ext3 or

> What about LILO? It doesn't work at installer. Why are you using GRUB with
> these problems having LILO? (I don't know if LILO has other problems)

GRUB, on the whole, provides more features and is easier to use.

 - mdz

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