Sound mixer (Re: Sony PCG-FX190 laptop install - success)

Morgan Collett morgan-ubuntu at
Fri Sep 24 10:13:20 UTC 2004

Matt Zimmerman wrote:

>On Mon, Sep 20, 2004 at 11:05:06AM +0200, Morgan Collett wrote:
>>Sounds works fine - I did have to open the mixer and select the Alsa 
>>device (had 3 OSS devices also present that didn't do anything) - once I 
>>turned up the right bits it works great.
>We do make an attempt to bring up the volume level automatically so that you
>don't need to do this, but I'm not sure that it does the right thing if you
>have multiple sound devices.  Could you send the output of the "amixer"

I've made a screenshot of the mixer - see

The Alsa mixer is the one that works. I'm not sure where the others came 
from - the modem?


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