Sony PCG-FX190 laptop install - success

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Mon Sep 20 23:10:42 UTC 2004

On Mon, Sep 20, 2004 at 11:05:06AM +0200, Morgan Collett wrote:

> Ubuntu asked me one thing about my video setup - the resolution. I 
> selected 1400x1050 which is full screen for this laptop, and so I had 
> full screen video with no further tweaking - originally about 18 months 
> ago I had to get somebody's X config and put the relevant bits in mine 
> to get it to work.

One question is better than a failure, but our goal is to configure X
without asking any questions.

has some notes on how to debug the process so that we can make it automatic
for your hardware.

> Sounds works fine - I did have to open the mixer and select the Alsa 
> device (had 3 OSS devices also present that didn't do anything) - once I 
> turned up the right bits it works great.

We do make an attempt to bring up the volume level automatically so that you
don't need to do this, but I'm not sure that it does the right thing if you
have multiple sound devices.  Could you send the output of the "amixer"

> The only problem I've had is time zone related - which I found is in
> bugzilla (bug 415 and 1332 are both related) - Ubuntu sets the time to UTC
> and when I boot into WinXP the time is out by 2 hours (I'm in GMT+2). I
> agree with the comments logged against those bugs... if a Windows OS is
> detected on the disk then local time should be used rather than UTC.

> The packages in the default install seem like a good mix. In the past I've
> always started with a barebones install and apt-getted only the packages I
> needed - this is the first time I'm using a distro which has a default
> bundle of packages. I think for most users it will be a good starting
> place. I added the universe apt source and now I'm away...


 - mdz

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