Ubuntu Drive Visible to OS X?

Peter Simpson ubuntu at petethetree.co.uk
Wed Sep 22 14:16:40 UTC 2004

Hi Brett.

Your editing should pay particular attention to both ;-)

You can ignore the mention of kernel - he's basically saying that those bits 
are taken care of.

The "fstab" is a file. It is short for "filesystems table". It basically lists 
all the "disks" that you can use (otherwise known as "mount").

This file is in the folder "/etc".

To change this file, you need to execute the following command:

sudo nano /etc/fstab

To break this down:

   sudo means "do" something as the "superuser"
   nano is an editor that is slightly easier to use  than most of the others 
because the text at the bottom of the screen tells you what to do.
   /etc/fstab is the name of the file that you want to edit.

You must not change any of the lines that are already there, but add a line to 
the end of the file that looks like this:

/dev/hda1     /media/osx  auto   rw,auto  0  0

You may have to change "/dev/hda1" to whatever your system has not used. You 
may need to ask more questions to find out what you should use, or publish 
your current fstab.

The "/media/osx" is a directory that you will have to create by issuing the 

sudo mkdir /media/osx

If you have any problems, please ask more questions.


On Wednesday 22 Sep 2004 14:41, Brett Kirksey wrote:
> On Tuesday 21 September 2004 at 14:29-0700, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> > The hfsplus module is already compiled and installed by default, and
> > automatically loads when you try to mount an hfsplus filesystem.  The
> > only bit that is missing is that we don't (currently) detect that they
> > are present and set them up to be mounted automatically, so you need to
> > edit /etc/fstab by hand.
> I'm good at editing. I was formerly an editor at a magazine. Is there
> anything particular I should look for in my editing or just basic grammar
> and spelling? :-)
> (i.e. What exactly am I supposed to edit to make this work?)
> My level of Linux knowledge:
>     A Kernel is on a cob of corn.
>     A Kernel Module is something you keep your corn in.
>     An fstab is is a newer version of the classic diet drink.
> Thanks
> Brett
> Linux Newbie

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