ubuntu vs debian

Torsten Curdt tcurdt at managesoft.com
Wed Sep 22 12:04:17 UTC 2004

Jeff Waugh wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-09-22 at 13:49 +0200, Torsten Curdt wrote:
>>But AFAIU I should not mix ubuntu with the usual
>>deb packages. What is the update schedule for
>>ubuntu packages? What if I need something that
>>is not in the "official" ubuntu sources list?
>>Is there something like packages.debian.org for
> Our stable releases will be every six months. 

read that before ...but I never go for just the releases ;-)

> During that time, we'll
> have a development branch running, which you can 'dogfood'.

that sounds interesting

> This will
> actually *be* sid (plus our changes) until it's frozen.

ok ...probably want that :-)

what are the sources entries?

> All of Debian main is available in our 'universe' component, unless
> specific packages don't build. Our goal is to never require external
> repositories - everything will live in our... universe. :-)

but what about contrib and non-free or just packages one just
needs but that are not in available in the official repository?

mplayer, blackdown java and stuff like that?

but it's still the call: don't mix, right?


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