Hal not running properly

Søren Hauberg soren at hauberg.org
Sun Sep 19 11:53:15 UTC 2004

søn, 19 09 2004 kl. 12:40 +0200, skrev Martin Pitt:
> Hi Søren!
> Can we please continue to discuss this on ubuntu-users? This way other
> people can benefit from it, too. Thanks!
I'm sorry, I never realized we were talking of list (stupid me)

> So before I propose to start the debugger, can you please open a
> shell, and do the following:
>   sudo killall hald # kill the hal daemon which has crashed anyway
>   sudo hald --drop-privileges --daemon=no 2>&1 | tee /tmp/hal.log
>   # start hald without detaching from the terminal
> The second command writes hal's debugging output both to the terminal
> and to /tmp/hal.log. Then please look at a second console if  hald has
> already crashed (ps aux|grep hald), quit hald by pressing Control-C,
> and mail me /tmp/hal.log.
I'm not able to quit using Ctrl-C.
Here's the output from ps aux|grep hald

sh at 0x50a5b3fd ~ $ ps aux|grep hald
hal       3512  0.1  0.3  3832 2352 ?        Ds   13:43
0:00 /usr/sbin/hald --drop-privileges
hal       4427  0.8  0.3  3832 2312 pts/0    D+   13:48   0:00 hald --
drop-privileges --daemon=no
sh        4458  0.0  0.0  1856  572 pts/1    R+   13:49   0:00 grep hald

The log is attached
> I hope that I can find something from this log. If not, we have to do
> some more intrusive things :-/
> Thanks very much for your cooperation!
> Martin

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