
Sean Gibbins sean at
Sat Sep 18 10:25:06 UTC 2004

On Fri, 17 Sep 2004 21:07:37 +0100
Terry Coles <nof at> wrote:

> I tried to install Ubuntu today, but it fell over when I
> got to the Partitioning section.  I got the two Options:
> 'Erase the Entire Disk' or 'Manually Edit the Partition
> Table'.  I chose the  latter because I have many other
> partitions on this box.
> When I did that it claimed that there was only one
> partition; a 40Gb FAT 16.   In reality the first partion
> is a 15Mb FAT 16 (to fool Partition Magic into booting
> from the CD).  After that I have four ext3 partions of
> 10GBs or so apiece and a swap partition.  It couldn't see
> any of the Linux partitions.

Hi Terry,

I know it's easy to chuck ideas around when it is someone
else's partions you are talking about, but how about this?

Use the existing OS (SuSE I believe?) to remove the
partitions you wish to install into, and then the Ubuntu
partitioning tool to create new partitions in the free space
during the install process.

I have also used bootable distros like Mepis and Knoppix to
perform similar actions in the past, by the way.

The only thing that would make me nervous would be the
partitioning tool's inability to see the 15Mb partition. I
guess the answer would be to ensure that everything is
backed up, and all important system partitions are visible
before you start to install.

How does SuSE see this partition, btw?



What a life a mess can be - Uncle Tupelo

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